(323) 296-8005
National Association of Minority Contractors, Southern California Welcomes You
"Champions of Change"

A Premier Catalyst for Inclusion & Diversity in the Construction Industry
The year 2020 was a landmark moment, marking our silver anniversary. A quarter-century prior, the Southern California chapter of the National Association of Minority Contractors (NAMC) embarked on a mission to champion diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunity within the local construction industry. As we honor our historical accomplishments and anticipate the future, we invite you to engage with us through the following avenues:
1. Membership: Join and lend your support by becoming a member of NAMC.
2. Events: Engage in networking, collaboration, and learning at various NAMC events held throughout the year.
3. Social Engagement: Stay connected by following us.

Membership Benefits
Rethink Your Alliance Strategies
NAMC is a National, non-profit organization with more than 50 years of history and members from 18 Chapters in 5 Regions Nationwide.
Our Southern California chapter enjoys excellent working and profitable relationships with the nation’s largest General Contractors, Owners, public entities that engage in construction and local elected officials. Our goal is to assist our members with building capacity by providing access to opportunity, advocacy, and contractor development training. We offer support, monthly training, and networking events that better prepare our members for larger contracts.

Economic Inclusion Scholarship
Building Excellence
National Association of Minority Contractors, Southern California is truly passionate about this issue, as it is one that impacts so many people in our communities.
NAMC-SC seeks to develop the next generation of minority and women-owned construction businesses to help build a sustainable, safer, more diverse and economically competitive Southern California.

Equal Work, Equal Pay
In the Collective Interest
National Association of Minority Contractors, Southern California is proud to support and push for change throughout the labor landscape. This is a very serious issue that impacts workers worldwide.
We address this issue head on, and rally the support and resources needed to make change a reality. If you would like to find out more information about this issue, as well as others, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Our Sincere Appreciation for Our
Major Corporate Partners
Our growth and ability to continue to provide valuable and successful opportunities and programs would not be possible without the dedication and support of our Major Corporate Partners.